To Mars and Beyond, explore where God’s power can take you
Vacation Bible School
at Agricola Church
August 19th – 23rd at 10 am – 2 pm, lunch incl.
Free (!) for Boys and Girls aged 5 – 12

Blast off with
the first Vacation Bible School to land on Mars!
Cokesbury’s To Mars and Beyond will help kids discover
the wonders of God’s universe.
They’ll become Voyagers on a journey through space, exploring where God’s power can take them.
Beginning at Agricola Church, an outpost on Mars,
they’ll lift off to distant planets on special missions
to collect power sources.
Along the way, they’ll learn how God walked with heroes of the Bible, and that God is always with them, too.
Add to the adventure with out-of-this-world fun,
learning, and timeless Bible stories
that inspire kids to give glory to God,
who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine!
Further info / To register by August 12th
Contact Hannele at the Agricola office
416.489.7600 or