Perhekerho (Family Club)
This past year several parents have come to me with thankful hearts and words of gratitude about the Perhekerho. Some of them didn’t actually have any connections to the Finnish community before having kids. They just didn’t feel the need to seek it until it came to raise their own babies. It’s funny how that happens: when one has their own children, they start to evaluate what is most important to them about raising a good person, with a strong sense of self. In many cases, it means returning to your roots, whether you’ve left them or put them on pause for many years or only for a short while. Coming to Kerho has helped us raise our kids together, as a village, with a strong sense of pride in our Finnish heritage.
The program itself has continued in the same manner as in previous years. A theme is chosen for each week and then I lead the group in songs, stories, games and activities. Then we have a potluck lunch together and parents are welcome to continue socializing and the little ones have time to play together.
At the end of last summer we worked with volunteers from Agricola church to spruce up our meeting space, we reviewed our collection of toys and purchased a couple of toy storage units and added some new décor to create a room for our little ones (and their parents!) to enjoy for years to come.
Welcome to Perhekerho Tuesdays 10:30 am to 1:30 pm (Sept. to June)! Jenny Haapoja
Sunday School
The Sunday School meets every Sunday. The program is based on the daily lectionary so children have an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible stories that form the basis of the lessons for the day.
The children gather in the sanctuary with their families at the beginning of the service, at 11:30 am. The pastor delivers a children’s message before the children leave for Sunday School. Although the time available for Sunday School is relatively short, the children do have the opportunity to discuss the Bible story, sing songs, work on crafts, play games and participate in prayer. The children return to the sanctuary for Holy Communion with their families.
On special occasions, the Sunday School prepares a play or other performance for the whole congregation.
In the summer, Pastor Martti and I often lead a one week Vacation Bible School to which all children are warmly welcome.
Parents and grandparents, make it a priority to bring your children to church to take part in the Sunday School program, where children can learn about the love, guidance and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Welcome to Sunday School Sundays at 11:30 am (during the school year)! Seija Hyhkö
Confirmation classes
“At some point in the lives of people who have been baptized as babies, it is the hope of the church that people baptized will stand up in front of a congregation and personally lay claim to the promises of their baptisms. In so doing, they will confirm that the faith in which they were baptized is their faith too. This “Affirmation of Baptism” is called “Confirmation.” (Ref. ELCIC. )
Agricola church offers Confirmation classes for youth. Participants are encouraged to attend and partake in the worship services. The classes meet after the English service (from 12:30 pm), about once a month for a school year. During the classes, the youth discuss big questions related to life and faith. The youth are encouraged to ask questions, reflect and explore ideas in order to develop a deeper understanding about God, about the messages included in the Bible and about Jesus Christ and His messages to us. In addition, the youth and the pastor take part in one or two weekend retreats. In May or June, the classes culminate in a big celebration, Confirmation Sunday.
To learn more about Confirmation classes, please email pastor Matti Kormano at
Just 4 Youth
Just 4 Youth is a group in which youth aged 12 to 18 meet to enjoy activities and opportunities to be together with other youth. The program and events are developed with the youth to match the interests of the group. Past events have included board games and puzzles, singalongs, trips to see a baseball game or hockey game, movie nights with a sleepover at the church and many more.
Just 4 Youth participants also have an opportunity to participate in leadership training.
Just 4 Youth events occur about once a month during the school year, and they are posted in the calendar. For information about events next fall, please watch our Newsletter or contact pastor Matti at
Agricola Lutheran Women
Agricola Lutheran Women (ALW) has served our church for over 87 years. Women of all ages and walks of life have played a major role in this wonderful part of the life of Agricola.
ALW has monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. ALL Ladies are welcome to attend…even if you are only able to attend a few meetings, you are most welcome! At our meetings we discuss the many events throughout the year that we support through our coffee and catering services, some of those being our Christmas bazaar, Thanksgiving luncheon, Christmas luncheon, Volunteer appreciation luncheon, spring yard sale and BBQ, and weekly coffee hour after Sunday church services.
As well, we offer catering for receptions following various concerts, Finnish language school Finnish independence day celebrations, lunches for confirmation classes, Saturday Finnish language school classes, Vacation Bible school in August, funerals and many other functions.
We, of course, enjoy our baking bees in the kitchen.
ALW supports many charities, some of those being Nellie’s House, Covenant House, North York Food Bank, the Canadian Bible Society to name a few.
We are most thankful to ALL Ladies who contribute in their own way and with their own time…you are all most appreciated!
Welcome..we look forward to meeting new Friends. Feel free to call the church office should you have any inquiries.
Blessings to All.
Chair of ALW
Social ministry
The purpose of the Social ministry team is to support seniors living at home, seniors who are in hospital or in nursing homes by making friendly visits in person, or by reaching out to seniors through phone calls. Team members bring news and greetings from the congregation. The visitors are volunteers.
The purpose of these visits is to help seniors and those who are ill stay connected to others and to their congregation. The hope is that the individuals will be uplifted by experiencing love and caring from others. In these ways, members of the social ministry team are working to fulfill the instructions of Jesus: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matt. 25:35- 40).
To request a friendly visit, please phone pastor Matti Kormano (647 642 1717) or the Agricola office (416 489 7600).
Sana ja Saha (Word and Wood)
“Sana ja Saha” (Word and Wood) is a men’s group that meets once a month to chat while keeping their hands busy with small construction projects. The group meets in the woodworking shop at Suomi-Koti. The projects undertaken vary over time.
In the past few years, confirmation youth have received personal wood crosses as confirmation gifts. These crosses were made by the “Sana ja Saha” group.
“Sana ja Saha” meets at 8:00 am, usually on the first Thursday of the month, but please check dates in the Agricola monthly calendar. The location is the woodworking shop on floor B2 of Suomi-Koti. For further information, please contact pastor Matti at
Raamattupiiri (Bible Study, in Finnish)
The Finnish Bible study group meets every Thursday morning to read and discuss the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. Pastor Matti prepares questions and facilitates the discussion and exploration of the Bible passages. Participants are invited to bring along their own Bibles.
The group is open to everyone, and meets every Thursday at 10 am in the Suomi-Koti Auditorium, B2.
Tarinatupa (Storytellers, in Finnish)
Tarinatupa provides an opportunity for seniors to meet in a congenial atmosphere to share memories. Each session is focussed on a topic. The leader provides an introduction to the topic and some questions to open the sharing and discussion. Participants find it interesting to find connections between their experiences and the memories shared by others, and to learn about experiences that are different from theirs.
The morning session concludes with a delicious hot lunch, coffee and casual conversation. The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Everyone is welcome! For further information please contact the Agricola office at 416 489 7600 or
Prayer shawl group
The prayer shawl group meets weekly to knit or crochet their prayers – and just to be together. Members of the group have created shawls and handwarmers to comfort members of the congregation during their illness or while they were going through a hard time. The group has also knitted baby socks to be given to families during the baptism of their little ones.
The group meets Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon, and welcomes anyone to join. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, the group will teach you. The group also welcomes new people to join who can make good coffee for all to enjoy!
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone, it is the same God at work. (1 Corinthians 12: 5- 6)
Music ministry
The music ministry at Agricola includes music and singing at worship services every Sunday.
It also includes the Agricola Kantele players who meet on a weekly basis to practice, and play at church and at Suomi-Koti as requested. The kantele group meets Wednesday mornings and welcomes new members!
The music ministry also includes special singing events, such as the Word and Song (Sana ja Sävel) events initiated in the fall of 2018. These events gather people once a month to listen to readings, pray and praise the Lord through song.
For further information, please contact the office at 416 489 7600 or